Why Does the Pedlar Sing?
A short talk and interview about my new book on creativity in advertising.
Planners in the Boardroom?
We all worry about status - of planners in agencies, of agencies relative to clients - but how much does this get in the way of doing good work? In a talk to the APG from 2013, Paul offers provocative thoughts on working relationships.
History of Strategy
Paul talks about the history of strategy in ad agencies, at the Cannes Festival of Creativity, 2015
The Anatomy of Humbug
Interview with Russell Davies about The Anatomy of Humbug for Campaign magazine, February 2015.
PGTips Case
Interesting documentary by Thinkbox about the UK's longest running ad campaign
Why the Big Questions Matter
Presentation with Oliver Feldwick (CHI), at the Ad Association's LEAD conference in March 2017
How does Advertising Work?
Some comments at an event hosted by 18 Feet and Rising in 2015
Why 'Content' isn't a new idea
Speech given at the Internet Advertising Bureau Native and Content Conference in 2015
Organisational Creativity
Talk given at IPA Effectiveness Festival in 2015, on learning and creativity in organisations.